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List of all birds seen in Arlington
Arlington Reservoir, Arlington
Arlington's Great Meadows, Lexington
Brooks Estate/Fells, Medford
Cummings Estate, Burlington
Danehy Park, Cambridge
Dunback Meadow Area, Lexington
Horn Pond, Woburn
McLennen Park, Arlington
Meadow Brook Park, Arlington
Menotomy Rocks, Arlington
Rock Meadow, Belmont
Sandy Beach, Winchester
Shaker Glen, Woburn
Spy Pond, Arlington
Whipple Hill/Locke Farm
Wildwood Cemetery/Horn Pond Brook, Winchester

Arlington Reservoir

Arlington Reservoir
Best birding per square inch in the state! From fall to spring the water is drawn down to manage water chestnut, and it results in lovely muck on the north end, great for sandpipers and dabbling ducks, and deeper on the southern side for diving ducks. Great for early spring migrants. The adjacent farm fields are owned by the Busa family, and they welcome birders (watch out for the crops). Unfortunately this farm is threatened by possible conversion to soccer fields (!) so may not always be available.

Arlington's Great Meadows

Arlington's Great Meadows (Lexington)
Not to be confused with Great Meadows in Concord, this East Lexington area is owned by Arlington. Spring to fall birding, especially good during breeding season. Entrances at the end of Sheila Road, behind the Golden Living Center at the end of Bryant Road, and behind the Waldorf School on Massachusetts Avenue.

Brooks Estate/Middlesex Fells

Brooks Estate (Medford)
Good spot for spring migration.
Middlesex Fells - Ramshead section (Medford)
Four-season birding, excellent in spring migration. Boasts the first Middlesex County breeding record for Red-bellied Woodpecker in 1990

Cummings Estate (Burlington)

 Cummings Estate (Burlington)
A favorite duriug fall migration. It's overgrown with fruit bearing invasives, which the birds seem to like. Unfortunately discovered by ATV enthusiasts and the trails can be tough walking. Although Northeastern is private property, security personnel have always been welcoming when I ask permission to park there. Good spot to start. Ignore the "no trespassing" from the parking lot into the property; this is a public park.

Danehy Park, Cambridge

Danehy Park, Cambridge
Great spot for fall birding. In 2006 the second state record of Gray Flycatcher was discovered and enjoyed by many.

Dunback Meadow/Waltham Street Farms/Hayden Woods

Dunback Meadow (Lexington)
Large, open area in Lexington, that is a year-round treat. Woodcocks display here in the spring. Explore the pine woods for owls. Explore the paths for songbirds. Great spot to look for raptors. I am partial to the Allen Street Entrance, but the Clarke School has parking available on weekends.
Waltham Street Farms Conservation Area (Lexington)
These are farm fields leased to the Busa family by the town, but the Busas are extremely birder friendly, and permit birding in these fields (please use common sense when there are crops in the ground!). They are excellent for fall birding. There are two entrances, one just near the White House Farms store across from Allen Street, and the other is immediately opposite the traffic light for the entrance to the school.
Hayden Woods (Lexington)
There are many entrances to this area, but I enter from Valleyfield Street. This can be excellent in both spring and fall migration, with a nice open understory which is good for looking for ground-loving warblers like oporornus. Breeding birds are fine also.

Horn Pond (Woburn)

Horn Pond (Woburn)
Great spot for a walk, and your reward is nice birds.There’s plenty of street parking on Sturgis Street. Although there’s a path around the main part of the pond, I prefer the path around the western section. Plenty of area to explore, including the power lines that go over Horn Pond Mountain, and the Community Gardens (which are on the Lexington Street end of Horn Pond). Almost anything could be found here.

McClennen Park

The area around the parking lot is all playing fields, and is useless for birding, but behind the fields and down the short embankment is a path running from Wright Street to Reed Street, and there are thickets, a small pond, and a weedy hillside that is excellent for fall sparrows.

Meadow Brook Park
Meadow Brook Park (Arlington)
This is the official name of the marshy area in back of Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Arlington. The best Northern Waterthrush place in Arlington (spring and fall).

Menotomy Rocks

Menotomy Rocks (Arlington)
Excellent in migration. Go past the flat area where the pond is and work the pines up the hill.

Rock Meadow (Belmont)

Rock Meadow (Belmont)
Outstanding in the fall for sparrows, one day Bob Stymeist and I stood in one spot and tallied a chat, Philadelphia Vireo, Connecticut Warbler, and Olive-sided Flycatcher. The community gardens are excellent, but explore the whole area for great birding. The parking lot can be hard to find, but there is an inconspicuous sign.

Sandy Beach, Winchester

Sandy Beach (Winchester)
At first glance you see the grassy picnic and frisbee lawn and are unimpressed, but walk back to the little pond, and further back to the pine woods. Can be excellent birding, one of the best for early spring migrants.

Shaker Glen (Woburn)

Shaker Glen (Woburn)
This area is just a strip of land climbing up a hill along the edge of a stream. At the bottom there is a small cattail marsh (with the inevitable phragmites starting to encroach). As you walk up the hill, you enter a mixed woods that changes to largely hemlocks. I haven't done a lot of birding here, but it has a lot of potential.

Spy Pond

Spy Pond (Arlington)
Sometimes a good spot for winter ducks. There is a public parking area at the end of Pond Lane (off Mass. Ave.), but try lots of vantages around the pond.

Whipple Hill/Locke Farm

Whipple Hill/Locke Farm (Winchester/Lexington)
There is an entrance to the Whipple Hill section from a pull-off parking area in Johnson Road in Winchester opposite Berkshire Drive, but I don't know this area well, but I offer this from Andrea Golden. "Whipple Hill is a rocky hilltop with a great view: good for watching migrating hawks, swallows, swifts, towhees. Going downhill with Boston on your left leads back to Locke (or Loche) Pond." I myself enter from the Locke Pond section at the intersection of Cox and High, and there is another entrance behind the llama farm on Lowell Street.

Wildwood Cemetery/Horn Pond Brook Bikeway

Wildwood Cemetery (Winchester)
A fine spot in spring migration. It has a nice hill in the center, where you can look down into the treetops on the hillside. Also, at the back of the cemetery, the compost area has some nice weedy area for sparrows in fall migration. Take Route 3 from Arlington into Winchester, and turn right at the light at Church Street. Turn left at the light at Fletcher Street, and then through the 4-way stop sign at Wildwood Street. The entrance is immediately after this intersection on the left.
Horn Pond Brook Bikeway (Winchester)
It's funny, this is just a dinky little path that only goes a few hundred yards, but it can be incredibly productive. Two years running I have found Connecticut Warbler in fall migration, and in spring migration there's always a nice collection of warblers. Follow the instructions to Wildwood Cemetery, but instead of turning left into the cemetery, keep going straight, turn left after the cemetery onto Middlesex Street, then right on Fairfield Place. At the end, there is a parking lot for the DPW. Park outside, and walk in, and at the back follow a small path down to the bikeway, and turn left.